
  1. A minimum of twelve months’ prior experience working in a Social Work capacity with an HTC or a NBDF chapter.
  2. Members of the SWWG are also required to: have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (Master’s Degree preferred); have a state license if the state requires it; be familiar with the goals and objectives of the SWWG; be able to fulfill the requirements of membership.



  1. SWWG members serve a minimum of a three-year term.  The term will begin on the month immediately following the NBDF Annual Meeting (this may be adjusted depending upon when a SWWG vacancy occurs and an appropriate replacement is found).  A member may continue to serve on a year-to-year basis until a replacement is elected.  Social Workers who have previously served on SWWG may vie for a vacant member’s seat.
  2. The SWWG Chair serves a three-year term which may or may not extend his/her term on SWWG. The Chair is elected by a majority vote of the SWWG membership in the present Chair’s final year.


SWWG Working Group Member Roles and Responsibilities:

The SWWG has a longstanding history of producing excellent work as a result of the contributions of its members.  Some SWWG responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  1. Actively initiate, plan and assume responsibility for special Working Group projects including the psychosocial programming track of the NBDF Annual meeting.
  2. Identify unmet needs for professionals as well as consumers; to actively initiate, develop and promote projects which address these needs; to collaborate on projects with the other professional Working Groups and other relevant groups/individuals.
  3.  Participate in the SWWG monthly conference calls and attend two in-person meetings a year (NBDF Annual Meeting and NBDF Planning Meeting)
  4. Monitor and support Social Work activities in your federal region; including regular communication with the regional social workers.
  5. Advocate for the concerns of bleeding disorder Social Workers
  6. Represent the SWWG on various NBDF Committees and related functions on an as-needed basis.
  7. Practice HIPAA and abide by HIPAA
  8. SWWG members are supported in opportunities to write peer review articles and pursue submission to appropriate journals and publications.

Chair: serves as executive head of the SWWG and:

  1. Presides over the SWWG business meetings.
  2. Represents SWWG on MASAC and provides bi-annual report.
  3. Develops annual NBDF session planning with SWWG member input.
  4. Communicates with SWWG members as needed. Transfers NBDF information, as needed.
  5. Compiles annual report of SWWG activities.
  6. Oversees task force projects.

The SWWG, by majority vote, will select the Chair at the annual NBDF SWWG meeting and will submit the name to the Chair of MASAC for approval and official appointment. Term:  2 -3 years.

Vice Chair:  serves as back-up for the Chair and:

  1. Presides over the SWWG business meetings in the Chair’s absence.
  2. Represents SWWG on MASAC in the Chair’s absence
  3. Records and disseminate minutes of business meeting through NBDF.
  4. Oversees other task force projects as delegated by the Chair.
  5. Assists with the membership (election/coordination/rotation) of SWWG members.

The SWWG, by majority vote, will select the Vice Chair at following the NBDF annual meeting or NBDF planning meeting. The Vice Chair will start their term at the discretion of the group. The Vice Chair may stay on for an additional year if no other member is nominated and elected to replace the position.  Term:1-2 years. 

Regional Representative: conducts the official business of the SWWG in his/her respective    region and:

  1. Represents region to SWWG and NBDF.
  2. Attends bi-annual SWWG NBDF annual meeting and planning meeting.
  3. Contributes to working group work projects.
  4. Attends regional meetings
  5. Submits regional summary reports to SWWG Chair following each regional meeting. To be reviewed at the annual meeting and added to MASAC report, as appropriate.
  6. Maintains list of active SWer’s in region.
  7. Facilitates election process (in collaboration with NBDF liaison to the working group) for a successor in his/her own region when his/her term is complete.   

Term:  3 years

    At Large Member: participates in the official business of the SWWG and:

  1. Contributes to the working group plans and project
  2. Attends bi-annual SWWG NBDF planning and annual meeting.
  3.  Attends regional meetings.
  4. Votes for Chair and Vice Chair at appropriate bi-annual meetings.
  5. Participates in the selection and election of SWWG members and committee task force members.
  6. At large members may be elected to any SWWG position or committee.   Term: 1-3 years.



SWWG members who repeatedly fail to carry out responsibilities may have their membership terminated by the Chair in consultation with the SWWG members.


NBDF Social Work Working Group’s (SWWG) Application Process

Interested applicants who meet the above requirements should submit the following to the NBDF Social Work Working Group Liaison, Mr. Morgan Johnson @   [email protected]

Applications are due 90 days prior to the current year’s NBDF meeting.  The following application materials must be submitted:

  1. Personal Letter of interest addressed to the NBDF SWWG Liaison
  2. Updated Curriculum Vita or professional resume
  3. Letter of support of participation from either a Social Work supervisor or HTC Director
  4. Professional letter of reference from either a colleague or a consumer

Any exception to these guidelines must be reviewed by the SWWG and have a simple majority vote by the currently seated SWWG members and must conform to the SWWG Bylaws. Members of the SWWG must be willing to make full disclosure and to sign a conflict of interest statement as per the MASAC Bylaws. The SWWG has the authority to decline membership to individuals who do not meet qualifications.

The SWWG liaison will distribute the application materials to the SWWG Chair and SWWG members.

New membership will be decided by majority vote by current SWWG members. In the cases of multiple applicants from one region, a subcommittee of SWWG members may interview each applicant in order to gain additional information and facilitate a decision. Applicants will be informed of the SWWG decision within one month of that year’s NBDF Annual Meeting.