We apologize, but it seems the page you are looking for is not available.

Please note that our organization has recently rebranded from the National Hemophilia Foundation to the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation. As part of this transition, our URL has also changed from Hemophilia.org to Bleeding.org.

Rest assured, we have taken every measure to ensure a smooth transition and have implemented redirects to help you find the information you need about bleeding disorders. However, as with any significant change, there may be occasional hiccups.

While this redirection process is comprehensive, it may not be perfect. We understand how important it is for patients, families, and healthcare providers to access reliable information about bleeding disorders to live better lives.

For more information about our rebranding efforts, please visit here.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. If you need further assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.