NHF is excited to announce the launch of a new series of educational workshops for individuals and families with bleeding disorders. Through NHF’s Education for Empowerment program, your local chapter can request an education workshop to take place locally in your community. In Chicago, NHF’s NYLI members facilitated an art workshop for teens. In Nebraska and Illinois, NHF had a workplace expert lead sessions on reasonable accommodations in the workplace and how to find your work-life balance. In Arkansas, NHF held an interactive workshop on how to be savvy in social media.

NHF has a wide variety of education workshop topics, from women’s issues to playing it safe for kids. If any of these sound interesting to you, please contact your local chapter to encourage them to request an Education for Empowerment program at their next local event. In the meantime, you can visit NHF's Steps for Living Website for more information on these topics and many other issues you may face living or coping with a bleeding disorder.