Pregunte a los expertos

¿Tiene una pregunta candente que hacerle a nuestro panel de expertos? Esta sesión ofrecerá a los participantes la oportunidad de interactuar, participar y hacer preguntas que inviten a la reflexión a un panel de proveedores de atención médica interdisciplinarios en tiempo real. Esta discusión incluirá Miguel Escobar, MD; Kelli Fraga, PT, DPT; Sabrina Farina, LMSW

What Everyone Who Treats with Factor Needs To Know About Inhibitors

If you treat with clotting factor, you may be at risk of developing an inhibitor. This workshop is for people who do not have an inhibitor but want to learn more about risk. We will explain the basics of inhibitors, how they develop, and how and why you should have a conversation with your healthcare provider about screening and monitoring for an inhibitor.


Learn about inhibitors, a complication in bleeding disorders where the immune system reacts to clotting factor treatments. Explore diagnosis and management.